Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Awaiting Baby Layla-Jade

With just three weeks left in my pregnancy, I find myself all the more anxious for Baby Layla-Jade to arrive. Tracey and I have each packed clothes in a small suitcase, and have gotten a diaper bag ready for Baby Layla. So, whenever the time comes...hopefully we will be ready and have everything packed without forgetting anything. I have bought extra batteries and a memory card for our camera, which is safely tucked away in my purse. The house is nice and clean, so I won't have anything but laundry to worry about when we come home. I have found myself cleaning every day, even if it doesn't need to be cleaned. Tracey woke up the other morning to me dusting the living room downstairs, to the hum of the dishwasher, the swishes of the washer, and the faint roar of the dryer. This all started around 5:30-ish when I had nothing better to do because I couldn't sleep.
We started our one week visits to the doctor on Monday. Dr. Vargas looked surprised as she told us that I was already dialated more than most first-time expectant mother's. But, she also told us that it could be the same next week when we go in. I cross my fingers that it isn't and that they just send me over to the hospital from the doctor's office. Is that wrong? Anyways, she said everything looked great and just to be patient. Yeah....patient....that's what I thought too! How can I be patient when she squirms like she does, clawing at my sides, sleeps with her feet propped under my ribs like she's in a hammock, and wakes up right as I am settling in for a night of rest? I don't necessarily mind these things, only when I am trying to sleep, or if I wake up with sore ribs like I have today. It's just that I am ready for her to be here! With that, I am going to get off here and go fold some laundry....sound like fun?