Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No Longer a "Toofless" Tot

We have waited ten and a half months for Layla Jade to begin the trials of cutting teeth. We were afraid she would encounter problems considering my history with cutting new teeth. But, obviously (and thankfully), she does not have the same problem. Last Sunday, after church, I had reached in her mouth to make sure she had nothing stuck to the roof of it and really did finish the cracker that fast...and she bit me. Quite literally bit me. I was so happy she finally had a tooth, I could have cried! Instead, I called her Daddy to let him join in the triumph. She only has the one on the bottom front left, but there are soon to be more to follow. She is being very stingy with showing it off just yet. She still likes to feel for it herself.

In other news, she is just about to take off walking. Today I noticed that she will squat down to pick up her paci without falling. She can stand straight back up with the cutest smile that can make a heart melt! She took a small step today, of course before realizing she had already let go of what she was supporting herself with. And, while I have no pictures of her tooth yet, I do have a picture of the day we found she had a tooth! This will be a short blog, but I figured an update would be nice!