Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finally 21

So, I am finally 21 years old. Though, it doesn't feel any different, other than being able to get in to a club that only allows people 21 years of age. Oh, and I can go up to a bar tender at clubs and get a drink...legally. I still feel like the same Kimberly, in the same body. I am not upset that I don't feel any different, but I thought I would. I will tell you one thing. I never expected to be married, or have a child by the age of 21. I don't regret any of that, though! I wouldn't change anything when it comes to my husband or our daughter, I am crazy about them both!
So, for my 21st birthday, Tracey took me out to eat at Ruby Tuesday's so I could get a drink! I ended up not liking the drink that I got, so I added coca cola to it....bad idea. I thought since it had coke in the ingredients, that it wouldn't be half bad. Wrong was I! It just made it even more nasty than it was to begin with!
Adrienne and I at Sammy T's Saturday Night

Saturday, we had plans to go to some clubs with some of our closest friends. We then arranged for Layla Jade to spend the night up at Tracey's parent's house. So, here we are, 7:00p.m. waiting on everyone to arrive to our apartment. We had borrowed my Connie's (My Mother-In-Law) vehicle to take everyone in since it was bigger. Mine and Tracey's closest friend, Adrienne, was the first to arrive. Tracey then pointed out that girls took a ridiculously long time to get ready, for Adgie and I changed clothes SEVERAL times! Steven and Rachel were the next to arrive. By then, Adrienne and I were quite satisfied with our outfits, with Tracey telling us what and what not to wear! Tehe! Rachel decided to get the party started before we left by bringing a 6-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade and handing them out across the living room....all except for Tracey. He was to be the D.D. I drank one, Adrienne drank one of my J.D's Hometown Punch, Rachel devoured two, Steven had one. Cori was the last to arrive, but she also decided that she would be able to come after all, last minute!
Here we go. It's 8:15p.m.ish, and we are loading in to the vehicle. Tracey drives, I am in the passenger seat, Rach behind Tracey, Cori in the middle, Adgie behind me....Steven in the back! It was a very chatty trip to Huntsville with Rachel being buzzed....I put that too lightly....on the verge of drunk, and all of us trying to decide whether or not we really wanted to go to Sammy T's or try somewhere else. We ended up going to Sammy T's. We stayed there for a while, had a few drinks, a few shots, and a many bathroom breaks. At one point, Cori decided that the four of us (Rachel, Cori, Adrienne, and myself) should dance. People, NOBODY was on the flippin' dance floor. But we had just enough alcohol in us to tough it out and go out there! At first, everyone stared, then they all seemed to disappear as we quit concentrating on them staring at us, and just have fun! Around 11:00 they had a band come on that nobody in our group was really enjoying, so we left to go to Humphry's.
Though it was a little walk, it was FREEZING outside and none of us had jackets. So we RAN, making it even worse with the nip of the wind. But, it went by quicker. The woman at the door checked our IDs and when she got to mine, she told me NO! I was sure to point out the little red date on the side of my ID, then she apologized for offending me and let us in. Steven got the band to sing Happy Birthday to me. Tracey MADE me stand there and be embarrassed. It was a full house, everyone got quieter, and glared at me....yipes! I went to get another drink after that. When we got tired of the smoke, and the crowd, we decided to go to the Crossroads.
We enjoyed this much better. We were all sober again by this point...all but Steven. Tracey only had one or two drinks hours earlier. So, he was still our D.D. We actually got to dance there! It was the first place that we had been that a ,rather large, crowd was dancing. (Including a group of Cowboys....hats and everything!) The music was easy to dance to, there was no smoking downstairs, all was good. After the band was finished, everyone in our group was ready to go home and hit the hay. So...we had to suck it up and walk a pretty good piece to the vehicle. There were two patrol cars next to the vehicle when we got within eyesight of it. Tracey, Adrienne, and myself just threw a look at each other like "What In The World?" When we got close enough, we realized that they had pulled someone over in front of the vehicle, and the one patrol car was just back up. The three of us got in the car, and then a few seconds later the other three got in to the car. We were hoping as we left, that they weren't counting how many people actually ended up getting in! Apparently they weren't, thank goodness! We got back home around 2 a.m. ish, everyone went their seperate ways, and Tracey and I took turns taking a shower to get the cigarette smoke smell of of us! We fell asleep watching Pirates of the Carribean. I don't drink often at all, but I wanted to go out and have a good time for my 21st! So we did, and we had a blast. We are planning to go dancing again in April or May!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Growing Girl

Now-a-Days, Layla Jade's favorite time of day seems to be bath time. She smiles and chats at us while she is being bathed, and even enjoys the taste of soapy water in her face. Tracey is normally the bath giver around here. He claims it as "Daddy-Layla time", even though Mommy is usually standing by just in case he needs assistance with something!

After it is all said and done, and Layla Jade is scrubbly clean,Tracey moves her bath lounger towards the back of the tub to give her some room to "frog around."She has recently discovered that the edge of the tube is good for pushing her little feet off of to make her paddle further through the water. She is particularly good about holding her little head up out of the water, so as not to plunge her nose and mouth in to it in a way she most definitely does not like(yes, she has discovered this much too! And was quick to readjust herself so she didn't do it again!) She is our little swimmer girl!

She has also found her legs and feet lately. She loves standing as long as her little legs will hold her up. When she has rested them long enough for her liking, she will demand to stand up again! It's amazing how muscular she already is! Her little arms and legs are strong, and her fingers! She loves to "fly" around the apartment with her Daddy, and do "Layla Lift Off" with Mommy, for anyone to walk her around and talk to her at any given time! I will post pictures of these favorites as I get them! She's a ball of energy these days, it seems! I love every minute of it, even when it's at 4:00 a.m. like it is now! She is laying on her play mat in the floor chatting! Normally, she sleeps through the least 7 or 8 hours worth....but she had a 3 hour nap from about 7:30-10:30p.m. so I guess I asked for this one!