Thursday, February 4, 2010

Long Time, No Blog!

I have been thinking about blogging everyday for the past 4 or 5 months now. I just haven't done it. You see, I work nights. I rarely on the computer anymore. But, things, they are changing. My new vow to myself is to update at least once a week. I think I can manage that. Layla Jade is growing so fast. She started walking this week. She's still very cautious about it, but she's doing great! She will perfect it before too long.
Since my last entry, we have celebrated her first birthday. Party and all! I will post a bunch of pictures soon. She has 5 more teeth that makes 6! Her favorite time of the day is bath time. She gets fussy when we take her out of the bath tub to get her ready for bed. She has learned to undress herself for the most part. Which is not exactly great, but hilarious! The only bad part is that she doesn't get her shirts off all the way, she just pushes them behind her head. When she is layed down for a nap, it makes this little feat real interesting, and it can go downhill real quickly.
Her favorite food is Mac-N-Cheese. She is constantly asking for juice, and makes a horrible look when we give her water. Then she tries to hand us her sippy cup and tell us to get juice. She say's "up, down, woof woof, ooh wee, oo woo, Mama, Dada, Night night, bath, what's that". She amazes us with something new every day. Her latest is shrugging her little shoulders. It's cute now, but I imagine it wont be when she knows how to do it rather than to answer a direct question. She loves to play on Mommy and Daddy's big bed. She jumps and bounces around, causing quick reactions out of Tracey and myself when she gets too close to the edge. She knows how to get down, but she can't get up on things yet.
When I get ready for the day, she likes to be right there with me and do what I do. When I brush my teeth, she insists on having hers brushed again. She sings and dances with me. If I play music in the car, she sings along as best she can! She has a great personality, and she is so quick to learn....extremely smart. This is all she is going to let me post for now, it's her lunch time. So, I will try to be on here Saturday and update you all with pictures. Till then.....