Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chasing Time

I was talking to Mimi (my grandmother) the other day about all the different things that Layla Jade has discovered, and all the different things that I have discovered she can do, and I kept thinking all the time...where has the time gone? It just doesn't seem like nearly five months to me!! I feel like I am chasing the clock to make sure that I see EVERYTHING new that she learns! It feels like there aren't enough hours in the day.

One of her newest achievements is (partially) sitting up on her own. She doesn't quite have the hang of it, but she is getting there. Her first instinct is to lunge forward after a minute or so of sitting up. Then she does the face plant routine, and comes up laughing! But, she can sit up for a minute or so on her own! That's what counts! That is where I got one of the most recent pictures. She was sitting on me, on the couch, with the most precious curious faces I have ever seen!

Another great feat of hers is rolling over on her own. We now have to keep a constant watch on her, for she will be across the room before we know it if we don't. She rolls easier when she starts out laying on her tummy, but lately she has been rolling while starting out on her back too. She just talks and squeals as she goes on her merry way. We have found that she has a giggle box, that doesn't take much to set off! I love it! Her little laugh is adorable, and her smile can melt your heart! Lastnight, while I was at work and Tracey was home with Layla Jade, she got hold of "Tigger" on her swing, and pulled him towards her mouth. Tracey said that he looked back and she had the little play-set pulled down to her face. So he set it back away from her face, and said that she instantly started reaching for it again! She can grab things with both hands and her mouth is where she puts them!

Whether her hands are empty, or full!

I was singing to her the other day, and Layla Jade started cooing along with me. She loves to be read to and sung to every day. She is/has been sleeping in her crib through the night, by herself for a little over a month now. I had to break her of sleeping with Mommy all the time, and it wasn't easy! Because as much as she liked being next to me, I loved being next to her as well. It made me feel secure. I knew that my baby was safe as long as I had her in the same room as me at all times, and in the same bed at night. But, she seems to like sleeping by herself now. She's more content at night by herself in her crib. I have learned that it is hard to sleep with her anymore because she squirms constantly now. In her crib, on the other hand, she is perfectly still.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention her new hair-do! We can now put her hair up in "pebbles." Those of you who knew, and saw me (or have seen pictures of me), when I was know what the "pebbles-do" is! I will post pictures as soon as I transfer them to the computer!