Monday, November 24, 2008

She Has Arrived

Daddy and Layla Jade
Mommy and Layla Jade

Pepop and Layla Jade

Papa Jim and Layla Jade

Grandma Connie and Layla Jade

Aunt Amy, Layla Jade, Mimi

Aunt Aubrey and Layla Jade

Memum and Layla Jade

Layla Jade-pretty in Pink

For those of you who don't already know, Layla Jade made her debut on November 6, 2008 at approximately 5:42p.m. She weighed in at 6lbs. 15.7oz. and was measured at 20" long. She is so amazing, and absolutely beautiful with her head full of soft brown hair, dark eyes, olive complexion, rosey cheeks, and she is so tiny! Layla Jade constantly has her tongue moving and she is more alert with each day. She moves her eyes to follow voices, and she has gotten to where she coos when she is laying in her crib, looking around at all there is to see. Welcome to the world, Layla Jade!