Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gettin' Around

Last Friday, July 17th, I witnessed a truly amazing feat of Layla Jade's. Let's just say that her little silver flip flops were across the room, and when I turned around from putting away her laundry, she was half-way there. So, naturally, I moved them further away from her so I could see if what I thought I saw was true. It just so happened, I wasn't going crazy and seeing apparitions. I was seeing Layla Jade crawling across the room! Folks, she's mobile!
I meant to post something last week, but we had a bit of a busy weekend, and this week has been crazy so far. She has already started pulling up on things, and we have been "Layla" proofing the household! Tracey even went so far as to putting a child lock on the refridgerator. Yes, I think he has gone overboard with it, but I have learned to choose my battles....somewhat. She is amazing. We have to put a child gate up in her bedroom door, in fear of her venturing towards the stairway. She's getting around extremely well to have only been at it for 5 days now. It's amazing how quickly she learns. She held an actual, cooing-type, conversation on the phone with Mimi. She is crazy about Mimi. I can say her name or Memum's, Pepop's, Daddy's, Denny's, Tigger's (cat), or Henry's (dog) name, and she is quick to turn her head in search for them. I still can't grasp that my baby will be 9 months old next week. Where has the time gone?!
I promise I will catch her in the act on either picture, or video and post it asap! But for now, it's off to bed for me! Night folks!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Hooray! Let the fun begin!