Friday, July 3, 2009

First Boat Outing

A few weekends ago, we went out on the new boat with Mom and Dad. I thought I would have to talk Daddy in to taking us, but all it took was asking in advance! Layla Jade had never been, and Tracey and I wanted to go tubing. So we packed a picnic, swimsuits, sunscreen, towels, life jackets, and ourselves on to the boat. Layla Jade didn't know what to think. She loves the outdoors, but this was something different. Her little head was turning from side to side trying to take in all the scenery. We got her settled in to a life jacket and Memum plopped her in her lap. It was so hot though. Layla was absolutely miserable in the life jacket. When one of us would come in from being in the water, we would wrap her in our arms to get her cool.

Finally, Memum had had enough. She pulled the life jacket off and held to her tightly. This made Layla Jade a lot happier. She was much more enjoyable after she was cooler. She talked and laughed. She pulled Memum's earrings out....ouch! But, all in all, she enjoyed it. That's my girl! I always loved the boat. I loved the water, the tubing, the fishing, being with Daddy(and sometimes Granddaddy when I was little), but notsomuch baiting my hook. I still say that Daddy will have to bait my hook if I go fishing. Some things never change!
Memum and Layla Jade played most of the time we were on the boat. There were few times that I looked back, and Layla was perfectly at peace sitting still. That child never sits still. She has to be doing something at all times *just like Mommy*. When we got in that evening, it was starting to get dark, Layla Jade was hungry and sleepy, and so were we. We got back to my parent's, loaded up, and headed home. It was nice to get to spend the afternoon with them doing something we all love.

It will definitely be something we have to do again...and soon!

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